App: Transportation Calculator
Storymap hosted on ArcGIS Online:
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Mission Statement
Video Presentation
Team Members

Heather McGrath: Heather McGrath is a PhD candidate in the Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Department at the University of New Brunswick, under the advisement of Dr. Stefanakis and Dr. Nastev. Her research focus is on reducing the gap between existing sophisticated tools for flood risk analysis, and rapid, user-friendly tools to support informed emergency response and mitigation planning whilst leveraging open data.
Wen Jiang: I'm a first year graduate student in the department of Geodesy and Geomatics, University of New Brunswick. Originally from China, I have achieved the master degree in Humanity Geography. Most of the research I have have done is more theoretical and less practical. I had basically no engineering background, but with the enthusiasm of geomatics, I decided to go back to school and start a new journey with geoscience. I’m honored to have this opportunity to participate the ECCE app challenge competition.
Rajesh Tamilmani: I moved to Fredericton, Canada from India for the Masters in Geodesy and geomatics Engineering at University of New Brunswick. I was a Systems Engineer at Infosys Limited (an international IT company) for two years before moving to Canada. I am a resourceful individual with a positive and proactive attitude to take up challenges and diligently work in a team to deliver results. I am passionate about implementing ideas that utilize geo-information and use technology as a medium to generate solutions to broadly relevant problems. My research interests are spatial data infrastructures and web mapping. Previously, I worked as a research intern for two months (June 2013 – July 2013) at Concordia University in the department of geography and urban planning. I did my Bachelor of Engineering in geoinformatics from Anna university, Chennai, India. I was awarded with the GOLD MEDAL for having secured FIRST RANK in B.E., Geoinformatics degree program among the candidates who have graduated based on my academic performance.