Home / ECCE App Challenge 2017 Teams

App: You-Lock

Hosted on ArcGIS Online: http://teamprototype.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=389060a1a38e401ebbec3c187745a1d6

Mission Statement

This application allows a user to find the nearest safe bike lockup area from a recreational facility in the city of Waterloo. With a way to easily find the closest safe bike lockup area to reduce the risk of a cyclist’s bike being stolen, Team PROtotypers hopes to increase ridership and use of sustainable transportation methods.

Video Presentation


Team Members

Martin Holicka: My name is Martin Holicka, and I am a 3rd year Geomatics student at the University of Waterloo. I am passionate about solving problems and optimizing the solutions. I specialize in statistics-based spatial analysis and have had very successful projects in the past, most notably optimizing patrol routes of regional police cruisers with an average decrease in both time and distance travelled by more than 55%. Outside of school, I enjoy endurance mountain biking, triathlons, and skiing. I am looking forward to the challenges of the 2017 ECCE App Challenge.

Thomas Lac: Hello, my name is Thomas Lac, I am a student at the University of Waterloo studying geomatics. I have a passion for software development as well as cartography therefore the ECCE App Challenge is definitely an opportunity that I want to be a part of. Outside of classes, I like to learn about web development and all the new technologies available for creating web applications.

Alex McVittie: My name is Alex McVittie, and I am studying Geomatics at the University of Waterloo. I am in my third year and I specialize in GIS automation, desktop GIS application development and backend server work. I enjoy recording and performing music on the side, as well as long-distance cycling. I'm excited to work with a team of Waterloo students to make an app using Esri technology for the 2017 ECCE App Challenge.