Community Sustainability Evaluation

How sustainable is your community compared to other? Please rank the below factors based on their importance to you. When you are done, refresh the map. You may click on any community you wish to examine, and it's relative ranking and other statistics will appear for you to view. If a certain criteria is not important to you, you may switch it off using the toggles.

sustainAble Transport

How much money can you save by switching to public transit, biking, or walking?

How much can greenhouse gas emissions be reduced?

Please set your home and away markers

 Set Home Marker

 Set Away Marker

 Clear Markers

sustainAble Food

How much food could you grow in your yard or a community garden?

How much can greenhouse gas emissions be reduced, by eliminating food transport distance?

 Plot your garden bed

 Remove Current Garden Beds

sustainAble Housing

Could you help densify your community by renting out a secondary suite on your property?

Click on where you live to see the correspondent land use designation code.

Permited: R-C1Ls, R-C1s, R-C2, R-1s, R-2, R-2M, R-CG, M-CG, R-G, R-Gm

Discretionary: R-C1L, R-C1, R-C1N, R-1, R-1N

Learn more here.

Created by The Four Mapsketeers

This application was created to empower the citizens of Calgary to make changes in their life and to help create more sustainable communities. The primary goal of this application is to bridge the gap between Calgary's city-wide policies (MDP) and its citizen engagement.

This application allows the user to define what sustainability means to them on their own terms and to evaluate the communities in their city based on this definition. We believe that greening the city, connecting the city, and city compactness are areas that individual citizens will have the most impact through making attainable changes in their lives.