
View key demographic numbers and school locations. Search specific locations and identify nearby schools.

A web app by UTM Zone 17N from UTM

Our Mission

UTM Zone 17N aims to help the municipality of Toronto and Toronto residents identify inequalities in schools throughout various Toronto neighbourhoods. Edu-Quality illustrates data in a visual representation through maps and graphs to allow the school board members along with educational ministers to identify populations and evaluate vulnerability in Toronto neighbourhoods in order to reduce inequality in education.


Growing up in a very multicultural and diverse city, we wanted to explore inequalities through various regions across the Municipality of Toronto. Our research found that there are relatively large gaps of inequality hidden through education linked to neighbourhoods. We wanted to demonstrate a visual application to easily compare various neighbourhoods and schools across the Municipality of Toronto. This allows us to identify regions that may need further educational resources and materials to improve literacy scores and quality of life, reducing educational inequalities among Toronto neighbourhoods.